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Reaching high value homeowners in Davis

Davis Living Magazine is a community magazine focused on the neighbors, events, nonprofits, and more within the City of Davis. We connect businesses to local households each and every month.


Showcase your business and services in Davis Living magazine. Our neighbors will thank you!


My magazine and digital marketing packages connect local businesses to homeowners in Davis.

Is this the market you wish to reach? 

Davis Living hyper targets local homeowners that have more buying power.

  • Full color glossy magazine covering the Davis community, local businesses, families, events and more. It's sure to be read.


  • Direct mailed monthly to high value homeowners in Davis.


  • In addition we include Facebook and Google ads to encompass Davis and surrounding cities, and we do all the work for you!


  • Having trouble keeping your online listings accurate (Nextdoor, Yelp, Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc.)? We can help.


  • We are experts in helping small to medium-sized businesses brand and grow their customer base.


  • We are more than just a magazine. Let me show you why.


Call or email to set up an appointment to learn more. Contact info is below.



In the Classroom

Our Neighborhood Front Covers

Davis Living family - Helmus Family
Davis Living - Great Bear Winery owners
Davis Living - Pine Trails Ranch owners
Davis Living - Watermelon Music
Davis Living - DART Coach
Davis Living - February 2024 cover
Davis Living - March 2024 cover
Davis Living - Davis Home Trends Owners - Paula & Eric Rich


“The Davis Living Magazine has been a great addition to our community. As an advertiser, we have received personal feedback from clients who are enjoying reading the positive articles and features. We choose where to market carefully and know we have made a great decision to support this new publication!"


"This magazine has given us access to reach new customers who have never heard of us before."


 - Eric and Paula Rich, Davis Home Trends


Great news! Today I received my first inquiry for information. It came through our website, and they stated they saw our ad in Davis Living Magazine! Thought you would love to know!"


- Karyn Yarris, El Macero Country Club

Davis Living - El Macero Country Club



You asked a while back what changes I had seen in my business since partnering with you, I wanted to follow up on that conversation. I am very pleased with what has been happening for my business. I have seen an increase in my office visits recently, and I have seen that my internet contacts for the website have increased. My wife recently "googled" Working Body Chiropractic and found that we came up #2 in the search, right behind the largest franchise competitor. LOL. I'll never be able to outspend their marketing department! I am very happy. Thank you for the "bump"!

Yours in health,

Dr Michael Ackerman, DC


Get in touch with the Publisher at Davis Living Magazine for a chance to pitch ideas, learn more about special sponsorship opportunities and to ask about advertising packages.


Davis Living - Chamber member and ambassador

Thanks for submitting!

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